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  • Iyan M. Bruce

The Positive Health Effects of Scientific Sound

Updated: Apr 11, 2019

By Iyan M. Bruce

When we talk about the mind-body connection, what exactly does that mean? To me, it means the thoughts you hold in your mind also manifest themselves in your body. You can test this right now.

First, think about this: You’re driving to a very important meeting and you have 15 minutes left to arrive at your destination. Suddenly, the entire freeway comes to a complete stop. You’re just sitting there… dead stop… on the freeway. Nothing moves for 10 minutes and counting. What are you thinking at this moment? What are you feeling in your body as a result of those thoughts?

Now, think about one of the best moments of your life. Maybe you were in love? It's the birth of a child. A trip to some fabulous location or dancing around the house in your underwear to your favorite song! What are you thinking at this moment? What are you feeling in your body as a result of those thoughts?

The first person to prove the actual mind-body connection was Dr. Candice Pert, a neuroscientist, biophysicist and pharmacologist, who researched at the National Institute of Health (NIH). Dr. Pert proved the direct physiological effect on the body (good and bad) as a result of thoughts and emotions.

But what is the communication mode for the brain? According to experiments performed by Dr. Margaret Patterson and Dr. Ifor Capel, the brain communicates through frequencies. Dr. Capel had this to say:

“As far as we can tell, each brain center generates impulses at a specific frequency based on the predominant neurotransmitter it secretes. In other words, the brain’s internal communication system—its language, is based on frequency… Presumably, when we send in waves of electrical energy at, say, 10 Hz, certain cells in the lower brain stem will respond because they normally fire within that frequency range.”

Dr. Pert also discussed the effect of frequencies on the body by stating:

“Energy and vibration go all the way to the molecular level. We have 70 different receptors on the molecules and when vibration and frequency reaches that far they begin to vibrate [thus allowing the cells to be directly affected by vibration].…

So what does this tell us?

The brain is the master control center for the body.

Thoughts in the brain directly affect the functioning of the body.

The brain communicates with the body using frequencies.

All the cells of our body vibrate at various frequencies.

This is why Bio-Tuning is such a powerful and effective treatment for stress and stress-related conditions. By stimulating the nervous system directly with precise sound frequencies customized to your nervous system, I can bring about total relaxation at a cellular level. The personalization is where the true magic happens and it's only achievable through Bio-Tuning.

Lance Shuttler's article about the science of sound and its positive influence on health can be found by clicking here.

Please contact me to experience the revolutionary healing of Bio-Tuning for yourself.

Easier Than Meditation.

Clinically Tested.

Drug Free Results.

With Gratitude-


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